Patrick D. Melroy

511 E. Gutierrez St. #3 Santa Barbara CA 93103


I work to fasten tightly the feeling of success a student achieves when they find themselves facing their own art, made exclusively from their imagination and hard work.


Master of Fine Arts 2011 University of California Santa Barbara
Bachelors of Fine Arts 2005 – The Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland OR

Professional Activities

Mar 2020 – Jun 2022 – Adjunct Faculty, Dept of Art California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo, CA

April 2012 – Mar 2020 – Project Manager, Chicago Pacific Entertainment, Santa Barbra, CA

August 2015 – 2017 – Adjunct Faculty, Art Department, SBCC, Santa Barbara, CA

June 2015 – 2017 – Chief Financial Member, Tiger Strikes Asteroid Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

September 2006 – Present -Principal Partner, Pullstring Press, Santa Barbara, CA

September 2011 – 2013 – Lecturer, Department of Art, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

September 2011 – 2012 – Lecturer, College of Creative Studies, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

September 2011 – 2013 – Co-Founder, Uppur Bunk Collaborative Art Space, Goleta, CA

September 2010 – 2012 – Coordinator of Interns, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA

September 2009 – 2011 – Lead Teaching Assistant, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

July 2006 – July 2009 – Admissions Counselor, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR

Recent Art Showing

State of the Art Gallery, Santa Barbara CA

Artist Run, Satellite Project at the Ocean Terrace Hotel, Miami Beach, FL

Tiger Balm Garden, TSA Philadelphia

Pulp to Ashes, TSA Los Angeles

Materialist, Elephant Art Space, Los Angeles, CA

Spectacular Subdivision, High Desert Test Sites/Monte Vista Projects, Wonder Valley, CA

Astro Flowers, Lancaster Museum of Art and History, Lancaster, CA

Funk Field Station, SBMA/Youth Interactive/Santa Barbara Arts Commission, Santa Barbara, CA

Quest, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, CA

The Department of Future Fortunes, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA

Boom, GLAMFA, LA Mart, Los Angeles, CA

Pentimento, UCSB MFA Thesis Exhibit, McCormick House, SBMA, Santa Barbara, CA

Touch Box with Nikki Leone, Joshua Tree Music Festival, Joshua Tree, CA

Real Presence 10, Belgrade, Serbia

Welcome to the Thunderdome, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA

Recent Publications and Printed Projects

Herman’s Messengers with Christopher Ulivo – Interviews from Miami Basel Art Fair

805Conversations, Hosted by Mark Sylvester – Ongoing podcast series

Towned, Hosted by Patrick Melroy – Ongoing podcast series

Materialist, Printed catalog featuring artists from the summer show at Elephant Space Los Angeles

Coffee Podcast with Cat & Cloud, Hosted by Jared Truby and Chris Baca – Ongoing podcast series

Elbows & Belly Buttons, Hosted by Kimmie Dee – Ongoing podcast series

Cecil Beaton by Rebekah Miles – Artist book

One Day Early by Raymond Douglas – Photo book


Post Graduate Teaching Fellowship, College of Creative Studies, UCSB

Graduate Dean’s Fellowship, UCSB

Selected Artist, JoshuaTree Music Festival, Joshua Tree, CA

Selected Artist, Real Presence 10, Belgrade, Serbia

Graduate Travel Grant, UCSB

Selected Artist Supernatural, PICA’s TBA:07 Festival (Curator: Arnold J Kemp, Portland, OR)

Representative to National Portfolio Day Association, Sarasota, FL

Design Award, Vancouver School District, Vancouver, WA

Master of Ceremonies, PNCA Spring Gala, Portland, OR

Project Grant, Lewis & Clark Bi-Centennial Confluence Projects, Vancouver, WA

Student Governor on the Board of Governors, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR

Most Improved Magician 1994, Society of American Magicians #59, Portland, OR


The Almosts Show featuring Ryan Bulis, Los Angeles, CA

Drought Resistant: Summer Art Series, CJM::LA, Santa Barbara, CA

Varsity, UCSB Art Faculty Show, Uppur Bunk, Goleta, CA

Wisdom Teeth, Sponsored by Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Gallery 479, UCSB

Gallery at Chinook, Vancouver, WA

“Affair at the Jupiter,” Portland, OR

Nine o’ Nine, Portland, OR

Talks and Lectures

Stanford University Italics, Palo Alto, CA

UCLA, Art History Department, Los Angeles, CA

Idyllwild Arts Academy, Idyllwild, CA

Marymount College, San Pedro, CA

Courses Instructed

Foundation Sculpture > Beginning Drawing > Intro Photo > Intermediate Sculpture > Beginning Art Theory > Obstructed Drawing > Beginning Design > Creativity Rehab > Figure Drawing

Upper Division Sculpture > Performance Art > Site Specific Sculpture >Installation Art > Unreasonable Object Making > People Magnets > Intermediate Photo